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SECURITY DOORS - In an effort to provide a secure and safe environment for your child we have installed security doors at very entrance of the preschool. People entering the building will need a code to enter. A four digit code will be autogenerated for you by the office. To provide accountability for who was in the building at any given time, we ask that each individual picking up a child use their code. If someone is picking up occasionally, they do not need a code. They can just ring the bell for assistance. Please help us keep the building secure by not encouraging someone that you do not know to enter when the door is opened. Please also refrain from holding the door open for other parents as each parent needs to use their code. Cameras have been installed in our hallways and playgrounds to provide accountability and a greater security within the preschool building.
Please escort your child to class and make sure the child is received by a staff member. Classroom staff is expected to acknowledge children with a warm welcome. Separation anxiety can sometimes be more difficult for the parent than the child. We suggest a hug, reassurance that you will be back at the end of the day and then not lingering too long. In most cases the child
adjusts quickly to the classroom and gets involved. Please be assured that if this is not the case, you will be consulted, and we will work together to develop strategies to assist in your child’s adjustment.
When picking a child up at the end of the day, please speak with the staff member in charge of your child in case there are any notes, accident reports or letters from the teacher. Be certain to check your child’s cubby and folder to take home your child’s work or communication from the preschool. Do not ever leave your child unsupervised. We will not be able to release a child to an
underage sibling.


OPEN DOOR POLICY - Parents have access to their children at all times during business hours.  Please note parent door codes do not work between the hours of 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m. due to instructional classroom time and naptime please ring the doorbell for assistance.  St. Petersburg Christian Preschool is open Monday thru Friday from 7:30AM to 5:30PM.

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