ACTIVITIES AND IN-HOUSE FIELD TRIPS - Saint Petersburg Christian Preschool will have monthly guest presentations including puppet shows, dramas, and visits from community helpers and/or museums and petting zoos. These activities enhance the learning experiences for your child and are tied into our curriculum to extend learning. The annual activity fee covers the cost of these various activities throughout the year. Each month a field trip will be planned. Some months can have more than one. Most of the activities will be included on the calendar. Pictures or video clips are often posted on our Facebook page for parents to see.
CHAPEL - In our chapel program children will be taught Bible stories and lessons that express Christian concepts about their daily life. They will learn about the love God has for them and how they are each created in a unique and special way. They will also learn many concepts about sharing, speaking kind words, showing love to others, taking turns and caring about others. We have chapel once a week and it is taught by different staff members as well as the Suncoast Cathedral children’s’ pastor. The children bring money to chapel to be donated towards various missions and outreaches throughout the year. Please encourage your child to bring in chapel change.
RECESS - The children will spend 45 minutes to an hour on the playground with their age group in the morning and 45 minutes to an hour in the afternoon after nap. Physical activity is very important for the children and helps to develop motor skills and social skills. There is a wide variety of equipment to promote safe play. Activities can include riding, running, climbing, sand play, dramatic play and art. During the hot summer months the children can enjoy water play. Please remember to dress your child in play clothes and to remember safe shoes to prevent accidents!
ART AND MUSIC - Our educational philosophy embraces both art and music. Learning should be physically and mentally active; that is, children should be actively involved in learning activities. Music and art both create opportunities for active involvement. Brain research shows that music and movement is one of the only activities that utilizes both sides of the brain and increases their understanding and learning. The children will be exposed to a wide variety of music incorporated into their learning activities. Their classroom activities will also include a wide variety of art projects that will help develop their large and fine motor skills through cutting, painting, coloring and gluing.
COMPUTERS / TECHNOLOGY - SPC Preschool respects the need to educate the children in the technologies of today. We believe that integrated technology benefits the children and compliments our curriculum. All of our classrooms ages two years old through four years old are equipped with Smart Boards that help to present the curriculum and skills in interactive, hands on ways. Many of our three year old and four year old classrooms are equipped with an individual computer/tablet with educational games. The children are instructed on proper care and usage of the computer while reinforcing educational skills.
FUNDRAISERS - Saint Petersburg Christian Preschool participates in fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds for special projects or larger needs that are not included in the budget. These included things such as new classroom furniture, toys, and curriculum materials, renovations to the playground, upgrading the security system and paying for new programs provided by the preschool.